I'm not a big fan of making New Year's resolutions. It's just that I can never seem to keep them. There have been so many years that I've said I would get in excellent shape, become more organized, get all A's... and those things just never happened! Although I'm not big on resolutions, I believe in setting realistic, achievable goals; for me, it is the best way to accomplish things that are important to me without being too harsh on myself.
Here are a few things that I hope to accomplish this year and practice throughout my life:
1. Stop worrying so much. I'm a worrier, and I tend to worry about things that a) don't matter or b) are way beyond my control. It is such a self-destructive habit, and this year I'm going to work on not stressing out over insignificant things.
2. Get healthier. I need to exercise more, eat better, drink more water (and less sweet tea), and take my vitamins every day. I want to live a full, long life, and there is no better time than the present to develop healthier habits.
3. Be a better sister, daughter, granddaughter, girlfriend, friend. I think I am a good sister already, but I know that I need to be an even better role model for my little sisters who are 9 and 12. Plus, I want to spend as much time with them as possible before they grow up and realize they are far cooler than I will ever be.
4. Be more giving of myself. I believe our purpose in life is to serve each other, and I don't feel like I have been serving anyone but myself lately. It is time to forget about myself for awhile and focus on the needs of others.
5. Spend more time in prayer and studying scriptures. Everything else will follow.
i found your points so really and lovely.. i wish you a fantastic 2011
I really love this list, realist but so lovely!
I love this list, especially no. 5! That is so true...you do this, and everything else will follow! I Need to be better! THanks for the reminder!
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