
Happy November!

Can I just say how happy I am that Halloween is over? I never get really into Halloween, but this year, I was feeling it even less. I didn't dress up or put up any Halloween decorations or do anything exceptionally fun. But I can't tell you how happy I am that it's November! That means Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away, which means I'll get time off from school and get to see my wonderful family. That also means that Black Friday is soon, and I'm one of those weirdos who gets sick enjoyment out of that. It means the end of the semester is coming up! And most importantly, Christmas is right around the corner, which means I can finally start listening to the She & Him Christmas album loud and proud without worrying about being judged. 

1. Driving home from Branson, Missouri last weekend.
2. My poor little panda sister sprained her ankle the day before Halloween.
3. Pretty leaves and watching the sunset from Mount Nebo.
4. Scattered leaves on the Senior Walk.
5. Sparkly pumpkins and homemade caramel apples.
6. The entrance to my parents' neighborhood is gorgeous right now.

1 comment:

shopgirl said...

Your sister looks so cute. I hope it doesn't hurt too much. And I'm now downloading the She and Him Christmas Album! :-))

Have a great weekend sweetie!
