
ice skating!

Let me just begin by saying this: I was definitely not meant to be an ice skater.

Richard & I took Maci & Hali ice skating, and I don't remember this last time I saw my little sisters laugh so hard. It was Richard's first time, and he is a natural like Maci. They're so cute spinning around on the ice as Hali & I literally can't force ourselves to let go of the side.

And all those blurry pictures? That's us falling. Whoops.

And do you see how beautiful my sisters are? It amazes me. I love them.


the "L" spot said...

So fun!! I've never been, but I'm sure I'd be falling all the time!

Your sisters are adorable!

bryna said...


Gaia said...

Yes your sisters are really cute!
I can't ice skating... No way!
I've tried few years ago but it's not my sport...

did you enter my giveaway?


don't miss it!

Hava a nice weekend!

Jen said...

I've never been ice skating, but it looks like such fun!