
I'm twenty-two!


This past Saturday was my 22nd birthday. And it was my best birthday ever. That's saying a lot, because I've had some really good birthdays (for instance, my friends threw me an insane 17th surprise birthday party, and I turned 18 on a cruise ship in Mexico with my very best friends).


It was so good because I got to spend it with most of my favorite people: my family, my friends, and my love. On Friday, I went up to Springfield to hang out with Ashley and other friends. We ate good food and danced. On Saturday, we went to Red Velvet (!) and I ate a red velvet cupcake and drank raspberry bubble tea... and it was so good, I may have ordered peach bubble tea immediately after. Elsie even gave me red heart shaped sunglasses for a birthday present! Then we came home, and I got to go to dinner with 12 of my favorite people on this earth. And I finished off my birthday by opening sweet, unexpected gifts, eating a cake that was as beautiful as it was delicious, and listening to live music with my favorite girls. It was the best! I'm a lucky girl.

1. The adorable Sweet Shoppe at Red Velvet.
2. My birthday cake was made of buttercream white roses. So pretty and tasty.
3. The sunglasses Elsie gave me for my birthday! And the letters I made for Richard and I, which sit on our dresser.
4. Raspberry bubble tea + red velvet at Red Velvet.
5. Card from my little sisters! I'm not sure why it's upside down.
6. Nanna made me cupcakes!
7. Vintage ballet flats from Nanna (she also gave me a Polaroid camera!).
8. Chandelier above the dance floor.

1 comment:

Kaci said...

Happy (late) Birthday! It seems like you had an awesome day. That's so amazing that you went to Red Velvet!!

I love your blog btw :)